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We need your help today to supply families in need in Rocinha Favela who are still suffering from the impact of Covid-19. Feel free to donate clothes you don’t want to bring back with you. By doing this, you are not only helping the environment, you are also supporting brilliant causes.

Why make a donation?

  • Your donation can help provide:
  • Basic Food to local people
  • Clothing
  • Education

Why making a donation?

There are many organisation collecting money to different causes which we pay respect for their job, however, we have been leading our tours with local guides inside Rocinha since 2002 and this throughout this time, we have gained enough experience and knowledge about social issues and needs that most people have no access.

Furthermore, our company focuses on educating people about life in a Favela which is such a big part of the culture of Rio. In addition to that, our local guides aim to contribute to the growth and development of our community.

Consequently, this situation has been challenging for everyone who depends on the tourism industry for making a living.

Meet our local team

Your donation can help provide:

  • Basic Food to local people in Rocinha
  • Clothing
  • Education

Our tours have been featured on BBC and CNN.

Favela Tour

Many organizations in favelas receive no government funding and survival can be a day to day struggle.

As a result, the tourism business all over the world has been affected tragically which has led us to be the first ones to stop working, and unfortunately, the last ones to get back to work.

Favela Tour

Basic Food to local people

In Brazil, the minimum salary is very low and every month poor families struggle to make their ends meet, so it is really common for those families to buy the “basic monthly food” with a small part of their salary. Having that said, all supermarkets provide this service which cost about 85 R$ for a family of 4 at least. Your generous donation helps us provide food for families at Rocinha for at least 2 weeks.

Clothing to the local people


We believe that all kids should have the opportunity to be involved in all types of sport activities that can keep them away from drugs, so our Social Program together with Fusão social project (@fusaobrasil) has reached countless children in Rio for over 10 years.  There is no monthly fee and we are completely depended on donations to keep the social work running. 


favela tour

If you have ever been part of our Favela Walking Tour activity that takes place every day in Rocinha Favela, you probably have noticed that we provide a professional tour guide for the tour as well as a local helper to follow the guide along the tour. Those helpers are not only learning English and Spanish during the tour but also engaged on one of our tour guide professional course that takes about 9 months to graduate. All your help and donation have already helped many of our local teenagers to not only become the next professional guide to only inside Rocinha Favela but also to the whole South America.

Your donation saves lives

Your generous donation helps us provide more education for our local kids as well as sponsor many activities in Rio.

Thanks for sharing the love!

Thanks for your support and donation.
